June 11, 2013

Old School Blogging: Davao Mommy's ABCs

If you happen to stumble upon my old, 2008 blog, you will see that what I did mainly were memes. I don't know; I never get enough of them! Some of these memes are still on my Facebook account, but don't try to look for them, alright?

I first saw the Alphabet meme over at Ms. Martine's blog. I wanted to do the meme, too, but I wasn't tagged eh! Hehe she doesn't even know me!

But this morning, I was sooo thrilled to know that two bloggers, Van and Donna, tagged me! Yay!!!

Now, I ultimately have a reason to do the meme. Here it goes!

A. Attached or Single? Happily attached to my boyfriend and father of my baby, Papa J.

B. Best Friend(s)? The boyfriend, Papa J, my younger sister, C, college girlfriends George and Teena, my mom

C. Cake or pie? It's cake hands down. Give me cake anytime of the day!

D. Day of choice? Sunday

Because I work from Mondays through Saturdays, Sundays are my self-imposed worship, bonding, errands, and shopping days. It's like the catch-all basket of my week.

OOTD: Plain white shirt (TOPSHOP), good old black shorts (OLD NAVY), black leather bag (FOSSIL), unseen shoes (SM SOLEMATES)
E. Essential Item? Can I have three? They're my laptop, cell phone, and camera.

F. Favorite color? Pink!

G. Gummy bears or worms? I like gummy worms better because I like stretching them.

H. Home town? Davao City!

I. Favorite Indulgence? Shopping #sorrynotsorry

J. January or July? Sorry, I have to choose June. :-P

K. Kids? Only my cutie patootie, Y

Y at 8 months: Still my favorite photo of Y
L. Life isn’t complete without? Jesus Christ, J, Y, family, friends, and writing

M. Marriage date? SOON

N. Number of brothers/sisters? I have one older brother and one younger sister.

O. Oranges or Apples. I'm not very fond of either (I like bananas), but I would have to choose apples.

P. Phobias? Oh gosh, there are so many. I fear butterflies the most.

Q. Quotes? I like mantras and mottoes better. Here's my current mantra: A plan unwritten is just a dream.

R. Reasons to smile? There are so many! In fact, I was meaning to write a post about the things that make me smile. Well, Y tops the list, Papa J next, my family also, my work, my blog, opportunities, and the packages that came in last week in time for my birthday! 

S. Season of choice? Winter

T. Tag 5 People. Do I really have to tag just five? Okay it's mommy bloggers Maqui, Cym, Marie, Dominique, Krisna (notable mention: George) and everyone who gets to read this post!

U. Unknown fact about me? I used to work as a news reporter for a local newspaper. I resigned after a few months because, well, let's just say field work isn't for me. 

Also, I've been terribly bullied when I was in fifth grade. I don't think about it much, but when I read news and write-ups about bullying, it all comes back to me. However, the everyday bullying I experienced is something that made me stronger. #nojoke

V. Vegetable? Cabbage and lettuce

W. Worst habit? Biting nails!

X. Xray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound, of course! Having an ultrasound usually means good news, while x-rays remind me of Papa J's and my brother's accidents.

Y. Your favorite food? Chocolate. Yummy!

Z. Zodiac sign? I'm a Gemini Horse. Those who know horoscopes (or believe in them) would say that I have redundant signs, mainly because Gemini and Horse share the same traits.

Alright, now it's your turn to do the Alphabet meme! Just answer the prompt above (I'm tagging everyone here!) and link up over at Misselaineous Life.

You can also spread this meme over Twitter. Just use the #OSBlog hashtag. Go!

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