November 12, 2013

Top 5 #YolandaPH Scene-Stealers We Can Do Without

It is no secret that the entire nation is under a state of calamity. There's no better time to stay strong as a people and be our brothers' keeper. For the unaffected among us, there's no better time to praise God for the roof above our heads, the clean shirt on our backs, and the food on our tables.

However, aside from the calamity itself, some issues (and issue-makers) are causing even the most patient among us more stress. These stress-inducers are like vampires sucking the remaining of our spirit. Well, maybe I'm being overdramatic, but these are the reasons why I grimace each time I scroll down my feeds or watch the evening news. I listed what, for me, are the worst stress-inducers -- from merely irritating to really blood-boiling -- in this tragic time:

5. Humble-braggarts

Humble braggarts are those who are skilled in carefully bragging without sounding like a braggart. Yes, that's a science and an art. For example: I just woke up, didn't take a bath, and dragged my bed-head to the coffee shop, and the barista is still hitting on me. Unbelievable!

These are the people on your news feed who will casually mention on Twitter that they are on the way to the grocery to buy relief goods. These are the ones who will take a photo of said relief goods and post it on Instagram. These are the ones who will announce the act of goodwill over Facebook. Hashtag YolandaPH. And don't even get started with the artistas!

Well, news flash: You don't have to proclaim it to the whole world. Your left hand should not know what your right hand does.

4. Self-righteous ranters

Ah, the humble braggarts are a breath of fresh air compared to these rancid ranters. He's your friend who will make agitated statements (and status messages) on how people should not only hashtag (YolandaPH) but actually help. You know? The actual tulong? The funny thing here is that the self-righteous ranter thinks he's the only one actually doing something when he's not. Which is, of course, not true.

He is the one who would make nasty comments on a celebrity's account because the celebrity is not posting anything disaster-related.

Newsflash: Just because someone hasn't been posting his donations for the world to see doesn't mean he didn't help at all. Oh wait. I sound like a self-righteous ranter, don't I?

3. Blasphemous haters

Each time the country faces a calamity, I can almost always expect several trolls to come up. They say statements ranging from comic failures (God must have been cleaning the house) to plain ignorance (God punished those people that's why!). I can't even. I don't know. Have they had a sad childhood? Weren't they held in the arms of their mothers? Just how heartless would one be to say those things?

2. Religious rifts

And now, right at the peak of the tragedy, religious issues are (inevitably) coming out. I'm sure you have heard of the issue against INC. Personally, this is one of the cases where "to see is to believe."  I refuse to take sides when, clearly, everything is in a haze. The irritating thing about this is that the focus digresses from the actual issue at hand! Hello!

1. Politicians

I originally wanted to say "Pig Politicians" or something to that effect but decided that this noun doesn't need a modifier. It paints a complete picture on its own. Since I don't know the facts (blame it on the lack of transparency), I will only say this: What kind of (beast) person are you if you steal from the hands of the homeless and the orphaned?

#endofrant #serioustalkcommences

At first, I meant to write this post as a tongue-in-cheek commentary on how people react to calamities on social media. However, when I got to numbers 3 down to 1, I felt a sense of injustice rising in me, and I know this has to stop.

The #bonusentry in my list is 6. The Feeling of Helplessness. It is knowing what the problems are but feeling helpless about it. It is being aware of the injustice but not knowing what to do. To be completely upfront with you, I haven't done my part in helping Yolanda's victims yet. I find it hard to mobilize and go to the nearest donation drives. But there is a need to help.

So guys, if you think you belong to numbers 5 and 4, please take my comments with a grain of salt. I salute you for having the Filipino spirit in you.

Now, if you are one of those who want attention by stating blasphemies, you seriously need to get into therapy. And what are you doing on my blog?!

If you are one of those advocating religious rifts, stahp it. It's not helping.

To politicians who have been stealing from the country's kaban (even pre-Yolanda), here's a word from Jean-Jacques Rousseau: When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.

And to those, like me, who have been feeling so helpless, time is running out. Note to self (and to you, too): There's no time to waste feeling helpless when the victims are down to their last morsel of food. I mean, come on, even the Muntinlupa prisoners have done their part. Bakit ako hindi?

PS: My friend Teena's aunt (and I guess, her family, too) is still missing. If you have any information about Betty Agramon and family, please contact me.

God, uplift our nation.

PS: Prayers are super powerful, but God has to move through us.


Please also don't advocate for donations of formula milk for infants. Survivors and evacuees don't have the means to look for sterilized water, much less sterilized equipment. Please call for breast milk donations instead.

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