January 5, 2015

11 Things to Leave Behind in 2015

It's finally the first Monday of 2015. Back to the daily grind! I can't say I didn't enjoy my mini, unofficial break, but I'm looking forward to gaining back a regular routine and schedule and, of course, regular income. Hee hee.

With that said, I'm sure all of us hopes for a good year. The best year even. But for me, to accomplish a good year, aside from making resolutions - and actually following them - I think it is best to also leave behind those that weigh us down.
Good bye. It was good while it lasted.

In my case, here are the things that I resolve to leave behind in the new year:

1. Other people's unfulfilled promises

It's simple; if they truly meant to do something, they would've done it a long time ago.

2. Toxic relationships

My criterion in evaluating a relationship (any kind) is that it should be contributing to my health and well-being: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If a relationship (any kind) does not only neglect any of the aspects but also damage it, let go.

3. Clothes that don't fit

This closet needs to be cleaned out.

Seriously. How many of you are like me who keep clothes because of their past and/or potential value? I keep them knowing that doing so is futile. One, you're not using them. Two, if you ever fit into them again, chances are you wouldn't use them again anyway. Like shopping isn't a lot more fun once you lose weight?

4. Unhealthy food in your pantry

Like number 3, unhealthy food does not only add clutter to your pantry but is also not good for anything else anyway.

On that note, it's also best to leave behind all unhealthy habits that will cause us to have some regrets in a few years.

5. Comparisons that lead to envy and self-pity

The truth is I can't help comparing myself to others. Some will say that it can be a good motivation, but in my case, once I fall into a comparison trap, motivated is not what I feel. Self-pity, despair and doubt are more accurate.

Meanwhile, I learned that reminding myself that first, people's online personas are not always truthful, and second, my ideal role models are, like, more than a decade older than me.

Also, I remind myself that if I want to improve myself, I should do so to glorify God. Not to keep up with the Joneses.

6. The mentality that being financially ignorant is cool

I've written personal finance posts for a year, but being the human that I am, I still succumb to temptation and forego saving and spend on unnecessary things. Looking at my account, which should've contained more, I learned that it is uncool.

7. The feeling of parenting guilt
Months ago, I wrote about letting go of the pressure to follow what society views as ideal parenting (read: crunchy). But I realized I'm submitting myself to unnecessary stress. Now I'm letting my child use technology while I work and give him the occasional treat for us to stay sane. What matters for me now is that he's healthy and feels loved.

8. That perpetual list that never grows shorter

Maybe it's a book list, movie list, bucket list, travel list, or even a simple to-do list. Whatever it is, if it keeps growing, strive to do one of two things: begin to strike out an item at a time, slowly but surely, or trash the list once and for all. If you wanted to do it, you would've already begun.

9. Anything that you haven't used in the last 6 months

Purge, purge, purge. This goes beyond clothes and includes little dust-collecting trinkets, outgrown toys and gear, serving plates no one ever uses, not even on Christmas, and the like.

10. Anger

I'm sure you've also been hurt or betrayed by someone last year. And the years before that. Join me in striving to make 2015 a grudge-free year. Holding a grudge imprisons you in a negative mindset and tempts you to get even (when, in reality, revenge should be God's). And it's not good for your health. Lose-lose.

11. And any doubt that a miracle can happen

Finally, I know that most of you are like me who are holding on to a certain prayer. Maybe it's a job, maybe it's a child, maybe it's a longing for a new life. The truth is that God doesn't always grant these prayers but that's because He knows us inside-out. And because of that, He wants the best for us, which means we shouldn't give up on waiting for a miracle.

(Here's a totally unrelated photo:)

We shouldn't give up on the hope that God is working on our lives, and whether our prayers were answered or not, soon, the pieces will just come together.

What about you? What do you resolve to leave behind this 2015?

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