September 4, 2012

Room Makeover

To ward off the bad vibes, here's a picture-heavy, happy post. :-)

Monday was a self-imposed holiday, and I spent the entire morning cleaning my room. It wasn't necessarily a makeover; it was more of making the room suitable for human life. The post title is misleading. I know.

Regrettably, I didn't take any picture of the room before the clean-up, but here are some pictures after it:

My simple bedroom since college

Plain bedding, just the way I like it. (Not in photo: Y's comforter and pillows)

Spot the UP Sablay

Baby Couture diaper bag beside the bed

Cradle Toy & Surface Cleaner for disinfection (I disinfect twice a month.)

Half of Y's diaper loot

Baby Couture diaper bag again :P

I can't take a macro shot to save my life. Haha!

Next, the things I use for Y. :-)
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