December 3, 2013

Yuri and the Attack of the Insects! (Review: GIGA Baby Balm)

I always let Yuri play outside whenever the weather permits it. First, Vitamin D is good for him. Second, it tires him out and he sleeps deeply in his afternoon naps. Third, well, I just want to see him a bit tanned than just white.
However, I had to stop him from going out for a while. This is because a few weeks ago, Yuri got a huge insect bite on his leg:
I didn't know what caused the bite. Is it a mosquito? Is it an ant? Within the day and in the next days, he got several new insect bites all over his body:
What caused those big angry bites? And those are just a few of his insect bites ha! There were more insect bites sprouting in the next days. There were a few mosquitoes in the house, but they never bite Yuri because I always see to it that he uses an insect repellent (we use GIGA and Human Nature). Those insect bites didn't look like mosquito bites, either. However, Yuri was visibly bothered by them. Kawawa. :-(
I hate you, but it's not your fault this time!
As first aid, I tried putting on his eczema ointment. I'm sure it doesn't do anything to the insect bites, but because I didn't have anything else at hand, I was hoping it would relieve the itch.

However, it did not. While it did not harm Yuri in any way, using that medicated cream only made him smell like medicine. So the next day, I did my research and found out that GIGA, a store I frequent, sells a baby balm that could be used for insect bites. That Sunday, I immediately bought one:
Like what I said in my November Fun and Frugal Finds post, I like how the balm has a pleasant smell. It's not overpowering unlike medicated creams and Citronella sprays. This means I could use it without irritating our noses (I am very sensitive to strong smells).

More importantly, after just one day, I immediately saw it taking effect. Take note ha, that was less than 24 hours. The big red angry bites immediately reduced into these:

Happy momma and happy baby here!

Now, after a week of daily application, the bites are almost nonexistent. However, I still keep on applying the balm every evening to lessen the discoloration that scratching the bites caused.

The great thing about it is that Yuri likes the balm, too! Each night after his sponge bath, he tells me "Kuwim," so I hand the balm to him. He likes that I apply the balm to him, but he also likes applying it himself:
I don't have a photo of him actually applying the balm on his bites because Yuri stops whatever he's doing when I point the camera to him. Haha! Oh well. The important thing is that he's not bothered anymore by his insect bites!

PS: Our pedia also told us those are not mosquito bites. I suspected there must be bedbugs in the foam in Yuri's crib, so I took it out and replaced it with a new mattress altogether. He's not having insect bites anymore.

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