November 4, 2014

I'm Giving Away a "Certified Positive" Planner!

Christmas comes early here in my blog because I'm giving away a copy of "Certified Positive" planner to one of my readers!
I actually planned to host a giveaway last September during my blog-versary, but I got too busy and forgot about it.

Then I planned to do it last month, but I figured it would be better to wait until November so that it would be like an early Christmas gift to one of you. Are you ready?

I've always used planners. Despite the availability of planner-like apps, I still rely on good old paper and pencil a lot. So for the last three years, I've ordered popular BDJ planners and liked them for their perks and girl-friendly features.

However, last year, I was ready for a change so I looked for other planners. I wanted a planner-slash-devotional but didn't keep this criterion in mind because I was sure there wasn't a locally-available planner like that.

Imagine my pleasant surprise when I stumbled upon Certified Positive.

I received a copy of Certified Positive planner from one of my friends - I actually asked for it haha. I wanted to review it but it arrived already during summer time so a review would be futile.

But I love it! I really do! First and foremost, it's well-made. Based on my experience, it's more durable than the BDJ.
I also like the neat and "gender-friendly" design.
Aside from helping me organize my days, it also serves as my mini devotional notebook.
Sorry, I wasn't able to update my schedule ever since the ex-yaya left haha
I also discover Christian charity organizations through it.
Plus, there are cool features aside from the usual ones...
... and they feature inspiring stories of Christians including some of my favorite celebrities.
Please take note that I am in no way connected to the company. This giveaway isn't sponsored by them either. I just believe in the product and their service. I'm also at awe at how they promote Christianity using this medium. As its tagline says, this planner is "life changing from cover to cover."

In fact, I already pre-ordered a copy of the 2015 planner, which I will review as soon as it arrives later this month. This is what the new planner looks like (image from the Certified Positive website):
For now, you can have a chance to get your own Certified Positive planner (retails for P599) for free! Just leave a comment on this blog post answering the following prompt:
Email Address
Contact Number
This giveaway will be until November 12 only. There will be no random draws for this giveaway; instead, I will pick the winner based on the answer that I like best. I will be doing that on November 12, and the winner should respond within 24 hours or I will pick another winner.

God bless you!

PS: Contact number is no longer required. :D

Contest is OVER. Winners were announced here.

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