October 25, 2012

Yaya Woes: Wild Ditiktibs

Image taken from Google
I remember watching this on TV when I was around 5 years old. I didn't understand it then. Anyway, we all know that yayas are the Pinoy's (and stay-in) version of nannies. Our own yaya, Honey, has her own share of antics that she can star in her own sitcom.

I work at home everyday, so I get to witness our beloved yaya's antics. Here is a collection of last week's performances:

(After feeding Y)
Okay na baby, ubos na your Cerelacs!

(While watching NatGeo Junior Explorers, before our no-TV policy)
Wow, baby! Sali ka sa Wild Ditiktibs! Wee Wild Ditiktibs!

(While playing with Y)
Boom boom badoom boom boom badoom boom brace
Super brace!
Boom boom badoom boom boom badoom boom brace
Super brace!

And, of course, I saved the best for last.

(While lulling Y to sleep)
Tomorrow morning if you wake up,
knock, knock, knock on the door.
It's time for makeup, perfect smile.
It's you they're all waiting for.

Let's give her a warm warm of applause!
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