November 19, 2012

Last Week in Photos

Nothing happened much last week, but I was able to take many cute photos because of my new-found addiction to Instagram. I love Android! Before I go off-track, here's a summary of last week in photos (from Instagram, of course):

Y begins to use the walker. It's an old walker; it used to be my sister's 10 years ago!
2 weeks ago actually: Bought the November ish of Working Mom magazine. I guess it's goodbye Cosmo!
Y and his ducky terry robe c/o Ninang Sarah
Early Christmas the other Sunday at #SMLanang: We were lucky to catch Santa. He wasn't there anymore yesterday!
Baked warm sugar cookies with melted peanut butter to combat the cold weather. Just kidding! These cookies were store-bought. I just slathered peanut butter on them and popped them in the microwave. #FAIL
Just this morning, Y slept for more than 11 hours straight!
And this is my favorite photo as of now. Cutie patotie!
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