August 2, 2013

Liebster Award - OMG!

After 10 months of blogging (OMG has it been 10 months na?), I finally receive my first blogger award! Hahaha ang OA ko lang. Back in high school, I was not only bullied for being fat but also for being OA. I used to be in denial pero ngayon tanggap ko na: OA talaga ako! 

I digress.

Okay, so Ate Rea (who is my schoolmate in UP!) of REAlity Bites left a comment on one of my posts, saying that she nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award. Finally! Hahaha I told you I'm OA. I checked the mechanics and it says I should answer the 10 questions in her blog post. Here they are:

1. Describe your ideal day.

It doesn't have to be happening right now, does it? If I can draw up an ideal day, that would be the day when my own family would finally be complete in our own home.

2. What's your happy song?

To be honest, I'm not big on "adult" songs right now. That's because I'm almost always tuned into either Disney Junior or one of Yuri's music CDs. If I were to choose one song, it would be this:

Sue me. :D

3. Are you more worried with doing things right or doing the right things?

Oooh, tricky. As a person with mild OCD, I must say that there are more times that I'm worried about doing things right. This is especially true with how I do things in the house. Am I cleaning Yuri's toys the right way? Is he sleeping the right way? Am I disciplining him the right way?

In the ultimate scheme, though, I believe that these little things are my way of doing the right things.

4. Do you think it's better to get married when you're young or better to wait a while?

This question hits close to home. Haha! Personally, our choice is to wait a while. I know that sounds too pa-virgin knowing that I already have a 16-month old son. However, Job and I believe that just because we have a child does not mean we have to get married already (no offense to others).

Don't get me wrong: we would love to get married. But not now. We need to establish ourselves first. We need to be capable of our individual selves first before we settle down.

5. When was the last time you did exactly what you wanted to do?

This is a no-brainer; I do exactly what I want to do. Haha! Seriously, though, that might be when we had a mini-pool day at home. I've been wanting to do that since last year pa, and last Sunday, we were finally able to do it! Hurrah!

6. What's the first thing you notice about people?

On a shallow, physical-appearance-based impression? Teeth. I tend to gravitate toward people with great teeth. That's not my only "criterion," though; I'm not that shallow. But when I'm in a room full of strangers, I probably might walk up to a person with a great smile.

That's actually the first thing I saw in Job (cheesy). If you see him in person, you'll be amazed at his straight set of teeth. I always am! Come to think of it, all of my crushes have great teeth!

PS: I also find sungki adorbs!

7. If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn?

Swimming! I'd love Yuri to be a swimmer when he grows up. Of course, he doesn't have to be a professional swimmer. Just a good (great) swimmer. I have this impression that great swimmers are also gentlemen. I don't know why haha!

8. Would you ever skydive or bungee jump?

No! Call me boring but I never "get" these extreme sports. Why oh why? I get my dose of adrenaline rush when shopping at sales!

9. If you can get a tattoo, what would it be and why?

I will never get a tattoo on this lifetime, but if I "need" to, I think I'll have a sun on my nape. Wala lang!

10. What is the greatest impact of blogging to you?

This reminds me to work on that draft about the hidden perks of blogging! Now, to answer this question, this might be growth of network. As a 20-something, I still don't have a broad professional network. Blame it on my working from home. However, blogging opened my doors to people I didn't think I will ever meet if not for blogging. I'm referring not only to bloggers but also PR people and companies! Great! 

Alright, now it's my turn to tag 10 other bloggers!

1. George of
2. Van of
3. Donna of
4. Farida of
5. Rose of
6. Glenda of
7. Kat of
8. Vera of
9. Janz of
10. Kristine of
11. Tet of

And here are my ten questions:

1. Why do you blog?
2. What one food can you eat for the rest of your life?
3. What defines your life right now?
4. What are the three main contents of your bag?
5. What do you do first thing in the morning?
6. What's the first thing you do when you go online?
7. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
8. When was the last time you did something for the first time? *profound*
9. If you can do anything, what will you do?
10. If you win the lottery (P50 million) today, what will you do with the money? 

I can only tag 10 bloggers here, so I wrote down 10 people that came to my mind first. However, if you're reading this post and are not in the list, do leave a comment and consider yourself tagged! I will include you in my list. I'll be looking forward to your answers. Gora!

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