January 3, 2014

Yaya-less for 4 days!

I'm finally back to the daily grind! I actually started working yesterday, but I wasn't able to do much because the students were still in vacation-mode. I focused instead on creating posts and scheduling them so that I can focus on working in the next weeks.

If you can only hear me, you can tell that I'm giddy. Based on the posts I see on social media, it seems like I'm the only one excited to return to work! My reason is that I've been yaya-less for 4 days, and it's much more tiring than working for 8 hours a day. To housewives and SAHMs, grabe, I salute you!

To some of you, just four days would be sisiw, but please keep in mind that this is single mom speaking! :D

Just to make it clear, I do not not like being with Yuri 24/7. However, I also miss the "rest" that working can provide me. Also, I need to earn money! Buying too many gifts this past Christmas season has seriously taken a toll on my wallet!

I've never felt so tired in my life! Okay, that's an exaggeration, but this time, it's different because I had to be on my feet the entire 4 days. To relive the days I've been without a yaya, here are some photos I took during Day 2. One day lang because on Day 1, which was Sunday, we were out the whole day, Day 3 was New Year's Eve, and Day 4 was January 1st. I was too busy to take photos.

During that day, we stayed inside the house. It was too hot to be outside! It was even humid in the living room, so we resorted to just staying inside the bedroom. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of air-conditioning. Anyway, here are the photos I was able to take:

It's you and me today, momma!
The buckets of toys are on the bed.
 We also read one of Yuri's new books, Sandra Boynton's "Rhinoceros Tap."
And ate snacks. In bed! #breakingtherules #medyobadgirl hahaha!
And practiced playing his puzzles.
It was really hot that day, see. Too hot to be outside - and still too hot to be running inside!
So I committed a major parenting blunder and watched TV with my kid.

But, hey, at least he wasn't paying attention to the TV.
I took a lot of blurred photos like a pro. I'm getting to be an expert at taking blurred photos haha!
After his afternoon nap, it was still too hot, so we played inside. By 5pm, we went outside to play (but I forgot to take my camera so...).
By evening, we went back inside, and Yuri played with this stalk of malunggay from our "backyard."

Yes, I've been to the trenches and back. I survived. Hahahaha!

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