January 4, 2013

New Year's Eve in Photos

Four days after New Year's, this officially qualifies as a late post. Well, you know how the first days of work are. Everything's just so hectic and calls for immediate attention, which goes against how the mind works after days of vacation. TOXIC!

If you're wondering why I complain when I have new posts, it's because they were scheduled way before New Year's. Of course, there's no way I can schedule a New Year's post before New Year's eve! And we didn't really do anything then. In fact, we were all too lazy that instead of cooking up a storm (like my mom always does each year), we just decided to buy ready-to-eat food.

Of course, this didn't keep my mom from preparing some stuff in the kitchen. Here are some photos:

Our humble feast, with the little Christmas tree at the background
Blurry photo of our homemade pizza 
2 kilos of Lechon. We didn't buy an entire lechon for 2 reasons: it's too expensive and  there's no way we can eat the entire thing.
We still have some leftover macaroni from Christmas (UNCOOKED, of course), so my mom prepared a salad.
And fixed up another batch of fruit salad
My dad bought two boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts for kicks.
We also had this pack of Marks & Spencer Teacakes, which really are no different from our local Choco Mallows.
Inside the pack are 16 mallows. And I prefer the local, cheaper version. Hahaha.
My sister wanted to buy a bar of Toblerone, but I want dark chocolate, so we compromised and bought a pack of Frey Assorted Chocolates.
By the time I went downstairs, my mom had already placed a handful of chocolates in a plate. They were so few that I thought some of the chocolates were left in the pack. Not! And since the pack costs P200, we're not buying it again. Hahaha #cheapskateproblems  
Our table, one more time (actual dining table in the background)
 And there you have it! Belated happy new year, friends! :-)
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